Splash, an introvers guide to being seen, heard and remembered
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Splash the book
An introvert’s guide to being seen, heard, and remembered

Splash is a short, practical, slightly irreverent look at introverts, what's great about them, what gets in their way and how they can create the most satisfying life experience for themselves. It provides an opportunity for honest reflection, and focuses on forming new habits that will help create the life experiences that you want while remaining true to yourself.

Be seen, heard and remembered. Learn strategies to showcase your strengths.

Splash examines the common misconceptions about introverts, and also the things you tell yourself that weigh you down and pull you under. The book focuses on the application of strategies to showcase your strengths, make connections, create desirable first impressions, manage your energy, and make the big changes in your life.

Splash is a practical workbook with reflective- and action-oriented exercises. It's a do-it-yourself, self-directed and self-paced guide. Its wisdom drawn from real-life introverts who have been successful. It's not just theory.

To purchase Splash online, visit this page.

Splash the workshop

Are you ready to take the plunge? To take meaningful steps to reach your goals, without changing whom you are? Our full-day, Splash workshop delivers a practical, powerful learning experience through a process of reflection and personal interaction, which supports focused objective setting and a deeper level of commitment to action.

Get more out of personal, social and business interactions. Tips, tools and techniques to help you break through and no longer be invisible.

You come away with tools and techniques that will allow you to get more out of personal, social and business interactions. It's an opportunity to share successes and challenges with others who are brilliantly committed to create their best life, their best selves. (Sorry, it's not for those who engage in the blame game, hide behind excuses or play the victim.)

To find out about our Splash workshops, visit the workshop page.

Splash coaching

If you're ready to take major steps in gaining more from life, one-on-one coaching accelarates the process of clarifying goals and creating a truly personal version of how you get there from here. You set your own personal goals, not some "standard" goals a guru sets for you.

Turn theory into new life habits. Build a new "brand", and let the world see the real, successful person you are.

First you delve into the strategies and tactics behind Splash to help turn the theory into new life habits. Then with one-on-one coaching, you stay focussed, committed and moving forward. You build on what works for you and learn from what doesn't.

To enquire about engaging Carole for one-on-one coaching,
talk to her directly

Splash reached number two on the Globe & Mail's best selling business books the first week it hit the bookstores.

Read the book -- Enjoy the process

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